A Second Look Saves the Day: John's Dream Home Almost Slips Away

Nathan Tran
Mar 11, 2024




 John, a talented engineer with a promising future. He'd been diligent, both in his career and with his finances, saving steadily towards his goal of homeownership. One unique aspect of John's financial picture added a layer of complexity: a significant portion of his income came from restricted stock units (RSUs) granted by his employer. Excited and optimistic, John approached a traditional mortgage lender, eager to turn his dream into reality.

The Challenge: Lost in Translation (and Higher Payments!)

John carefully provided all his financial information, including his W-2s, pay stubs, and details of his RSU grant. Initially, everything seemed positive. The lender expressed enthusiasm for John's strong employment history and healthy savings. However, during the crucial underwriting process, a major hurdle emerged. The underwriter, unfamiliar with RSUs, struggled to understand how to factor them into John's income. This resulted in a much lower loan pre-approval than John anticipated. Devastated and stressed, John's dream of homeownership seemed to be slipping away.

The Downward Spiral:

 Faced with limited options and a ticking clock (his offer on the house was contingent on securing financing), John reluctantly agreed to a non-income qualified loan. While this allowed him to move forward with the purchase, it came at a steep cost. Non-income qualified loans typically carry significantly higher interest rates and stricter down payment requirements, translating to a substantially higher monthly mortgage payment. John's initial excitement morphed into worry about his long-term financial stability. The prospect of a manageable mortgage payment on his dream home seemed to vanish, replaced by the specter of a significant financial strain.

The Solution: Sarah, the seasoned loan officer Steps In

Determined to find a better solution, John reached out to our team. Enter Sarah, a loan officer known for her expertise in navigating complex financial situations, especially for borrowers with non-traditional income streams like RSUs. John's story resonated with Sarah, and she understood the frustration and disappointment he was experiencing. She empathized with his situation – the dream home slipping away due to a misunderstanding of a legitimate source of income.

Here's how Sarah's expertise made all the difference:

  1. Decoding the RSU Mystery: Unlike the previous lender, Sarah wasn't fazed by John's RSUs. She leveraged her in-depth knowledge of Fannie Mae's guidelines regarding stock options:
  2. Consulting Multiple Sources: Sarah didn't rely solely on the current stock price or the information provided by John's employer. She consulted with various financial resources, including historical stock price data for John's employer and industry trends. She conducted her own calculations to determine a conservative yet accurate estimate of John's RSU income over the next twelve months. This involved considering factors like potential stock appreciation or depreciation, and the vesting schedule of his RSUs.
  3. Building a Stronger Case: Armed with her meticulous calculations and a deep understanding of Fannie Mae's guidelines, Sarah crafted a compelling narrative for John's loan application. This application accurately reflected his income from both salary and RSUs, showcasing his true financial strength and earning potential. The application also included a detailed explanation of John's RSUs, their vesting schedule, and the methodology used to calculate their value.

Sweet Victory and Sustainable Savings

Sarah's dedication and expertise paid off tremendously! By accurately calculating John's RSU income and presenting a well-supported case, she secured a significantly higher income loan application for John from a lender specializing in borrowers with stock options. This higher pre-approval allowed John to pursue his dream home without the burden of a high-interest non-income qualified loan. John's monthly mortgage payment became more manageable, ensuring his long-term financial security and allowing him to comfortably afford his dream home.

Understanding Restricted Stock Units (RSUs):

Restricted stock units (RSUs) are a form of employee compensation where employees are granted company stock that vests over a predetermined period. These units become "vested" and considered your property only after you meet specific requirements, such as staying employed for a certain period. While RSUs can be a valuable part of your compensation package, they present a unique challenge when qualifying for a mortgage.

Key Considerations for RSU Income and Mortgages:

  • Vesting Schedule: Only vested RSUs can be considered as income for mortgage qualification. The vesting schedule outlined in your grant agreement determines when these units become yours.
  • Stock Price Fluctuation: Unlike a regular paycheck, the value of RSUs is tied to the company's stock price, which can fluctuate significantly. Lenders typically use a conservative estimate, often around 75% of the current stock price, to account for this volatility.
  • Documentation: Be prepared to provide your lender with detailed documentation of your RSU grant, including the grant date, number of shares granted, vesting schedule, and any relevant company stock price data.

The Takeaway: Knowledge is Power

John's story highlights the importance of working with a loan officer who understands the complexities of non-traditional income streams like RSUs. A skilled loan officer can navigate the nuances of Fannie Mae's guidelines, accurately calculate your RSU income for qualification purposes, and advocate for you to secure the best possible loan terms. By educating yourself about RSUs and the mortgage qualification process, you can approach homeownership with confidence and secure a dream home that fits your financial future.
Disclaimer and Educational Focus: While this story is based on a common scenario, the specific details of the borrower's situation, including names and locations, have been changed to protect privacy. Our focus here is to educate readers about the challenges and solutions associated with RSU income and mortgage qualification.




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Written by Nathan Tran

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